What Are Your Kids Reading?

Howdy, folks!

Stories were such a big part of my childhood, and I’ve always wanted to create stories that will have a big impact on kids as they grow. But as a parent, I also want to create stories that will reinforce the values that are important to families. I believe that stories can be both entertaining and beneficial. In fact, I believe that most lessons are best learned through story. I hope that kids will enjoy my stories, and I hope that parents can trust them too.

What’s the point of this soap box? It’s audience participation time! I would love to hear from you as a parent. Please take this quick survey to let me know about the stories that your family reads. Your insights will help me to know how I can best serve your family.

Click here to take the survey

Thanks for your help!


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Giveaway on Goodreads!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Soprano Trouble by Victoria Kimble

Soprano Trouble

by Victoria Kimble

Giveaway ends May 06, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Want a chance to win a signed copy of Soprano Trouble? Click the button above and enter the giveaway! The giveaway ends on May 6, 2017. Good luck!

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Rising Stories Podcast, Hosted by Corine Sandifer

I am so excited to be featured on the Rising Stories Podcast with Corine Sandifer! I had such fun chatting with Corine about writing and Soprano Trouble and other chatty things. I hope you check it out, then subscribe to Rising Stories on iTunes to hear more great interviews about women business owners and authors!


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And the Winner Is…

Image result for happy cat

Julie W.! Julie won the signed copy of Soprano Trouble! You should have received an email from me, Julie!

Thanks to everyone for signing up for my newsletter! If you haven’t, you still can AND you will still get the first chapter of Alto Secrets for free! Sign up now, and happy reading!

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Giveaway Time! – Ends March 11, 2017

Want to win a signed copy of Soprano Trouble? Just sign up for newsletter on the right, and you’ll be entered to win! This giveaway ends at 9pm MST on March 11, 2017, and then I’ll announce the results! Tell your friends!

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Soprano Trouble is Now Available!

It’s true! You can have the book in your hands! It’s now available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble.com and at the TouchPoint Press bookstore! Check out the My Books page for links!

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Soprano Trouble Book Trailer

Launching a book is SO FUN. There are so many different things you can do, and this one might be one of my favorites. Check out this great trailer made by Videos by O.!

Soprano Trouble is now available for preorder on Amazon and releases on February 3, 2017!

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Soprano Trouble Releases February 3, 2017

I am so pleased to announce that Soprano Trouble will be released on February 3, 2017!

I will give you so many more details about where you can get it, but for now will you ooo and ahh with me over the cover?

I can’t wait for you to read this story!

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The Smell of Mildew

My, this website is dusty and neglected! If the internet could transmit smells from this site to your nose, I’m sure you would have turned away at the smell of mildew. That’s what happens when you let something sit for too long, right? Maybe I’m thinking of laundry.

I want to clue you into something: I have no idea what I’m doing. I mean, I’ve heard podcasts and read blogs about what a new author should be doing, but it’s all so overwhelming. My writing energies have been put into creating new content, which I find leaves me very little to give to things like blog posts. Or even Facebook status updates. Apparently I’m a one-track writer. That’s probably not good in this world where anonymity is my enemy. I think my New Year’s resolution will be to figure out how to have several writing projects going at the same time. You know, diversify.

But I wanted to tell you something, and that is that my writing projects have not been in vain. I started this website to let you know that my dream of becoming a published author is becoming a reality, and that was initiated by the contract for my middle-grade book Soprano Trouble. I have no updates on that book (and trust me, you’ll have them when I do!) but I do have a pretty major update in general:

Soprano Trouble will be the first book in a four book series. 

For real. I’ve submitted and received contracts for the other three books in that series. I have not one but FOUR book contracts.

This has been a weird thing for me. The first book contract was so exciting because it was so new. The second one was fun too, because I was able to do it again! And three and four were equally exciting for me, but I began to feel like it was old news. I’m a pretty terrible celebrator anyway, so I wasn’t sure if getting a third and fourth contract warranted the kind of excitement that the first one did. Did people really care? I mean, I know they did, but did they really?

The self-doubt is strong over here.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. I call the series The Choir Girls, and there are four books: Soprano Trouble, Alto Secrets, Harmony Blues and Solo Disaster. And I think they’ll all be out sometime in 2017. I promise to give you specifics when I have them

And now onto my next project.

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A Dream Defined

Perhaps a more seasoned author would have told you exactly what she was doing in the first post. Clearly that’s not how I roll.

I wrote a story for 9-12 year old girls. Yes, of course boys can read it too, but I’m just being realistic; I know they won’t want to. That’s okay. I have no delusions that this story will appeal to every single human on the planet. The working title is Soprano Trouble, and it follows 7th grader Summer McKidd and her friends through an incident at their fall choir concert that sets Summer on a path that will force her to make some decisions about friends.

Here’s my big confession for the day: I loved The Babysitter’s Club series as a kid. My parents enrolled me in some type of book club when I was in third or fourth grade, and I got three books every month. I read those book over and over and over. They are dog eared and water damaged (from reading them in the bathtub) and yes, I still have them. I believe I have close to 100. (Maybe not. I have a lot. I’ve loaned them out at the moment, so I can’t go verify.) But those books are what sparked the dream of writing in my heart. I’m an introvert who loves being home, and I know there are others out there like me. We all just want to read.

I’m all grown up now, and while I do like to read grown up stuff, when I think of writing I think of stories for kids who like to read chapter books. When I was 14, my beloved English teacher told my parents to force me to stop reading The Babysitter’s Club. So they forbid me for a summer. That might have been the summer I discovered The Christy Miller Series. That series was very formative in how I saw friendships, boy/girl relationships, and my relationship with the Lord. While I happen to think that series is timeless, I know that girls these days might not be so thrilled to read something their mothers loved. So I want to create something new for them.

I want to write stories that moms won’t be afraid to give to their daughters. I want to write stories that model what life can look like for normal people, rather than what it looks like according to Hollywood. Mostly, though, I want to write characters that girls think of as their friends. And maybe when they’re in college and chatting about books they love with their friends, someone will tell them, “stop talking about those characters like they’re real!” (That may or may not have happened to me.)

And if middle-grade/young adult fiction isn’t your bag, don’t worry. I have some other ideas up my sleeve that I would love to explore someday. Who knows?

This is my dream. Now you know. Thanks for reading. 🙂

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